No-Bake cookies…let’s face it, these are a classic favorite. If you show up to a party with no-bakes, you are instantly guaranteed to be the most popular person. If you’re looking for a healthier version of this beloved cookie, look no further! These are gluten and grain free and made with healthier ingredients. If you’re […]
Author Archives: The GreeneBerger
Fighting the Flu Naturally! Tip #2
Tip Two Well, we made it to the end of January and no sick bugs in our house yet! (Yeah!). I will say though that this quasi-spring weather has thrown me for a loop! I took Libby Dog out for a run yesterday, veering from my typical “Randy” from A Christmas Story “I can’t put my arms […]
Tip #1: How to Fight the Flu…Naturally!
Flu-Fighting Tip #1: Foods that Support your Digestive and Immune Health Adding Fermented Foods to your Diet Before you skip over this point and look for the traditional tips about hand-washing and getting more sleep, I encourage you to realize the amazing benefits of fermented foods. They not only improve your immune function, but also repair […]
4 Facts to Fight the Flu…Naturally!
I try to live each day with the focus of being healthier than the day before, physically, nutritionally, mentally, and spiritually. For example, I just finished a riveting breakfast of freshly made vegetable juice, farm fresh eggs cooked with homemade organic ghee (clarified butter) and red peppers, with a side of home-fermented beets, carrots, and cabbage. […]
Shake the Sugar, Lose the Weight!
Common Messages: “Fat makes you Fat”, “Cut Calories from Fat”, “Choose Fat Free Foods”…etc… BUT WHAT ABOUT SUGAR!?! These article reviews several studies linking greater sugar consumption to weight gain (dugh!). While it specifically focuses on sugary beverages, it can be generalized to all added sugars and refined carbohydrates (which turn to sugar in the […]
Roasted Winter Veggies
Vegetables at every meal?!? Do Potato Hash Browns, “Veggie” chips, and Corn count?? Hmmmm….going to have to go with a “Sorry, but NO” on that one 😉 These days, cleaver marketing tactics use “full serving of vegetables!” in many processed foods to make you think you’re making a wise food choice, when in reality, […]
Fish Tacos
What’s for Dinner? Tonight we are having “Fish Tacos” Yum! They’re delicious and easy to make. The recipe may look long because of the seasonings, but it’s very basic and customization to what you like on your tacos! You are either in one of two boats right now: Person #1: Yes! I love fish […]
Healthy New Year’s Resolution
While New Year’s Resolutions seem pointless for many people, I think it is healthy to reflect introspectively on the previous year and see where you can make improvements to your health. While change can be difficult, you have to believe in what you are doing, have accountability, and make it a part of your life in order […]